empower dreams

Back to Kenya

Back to Kenya


The Rift Valley of Kenya has a history of hardship. The resilient people of this land have inspired a movement around the world to help rebuild the nation and bring forth a brighter future.

Empower Dreams has partnered with Naomi’s Village in order to make a difference in the lives of the children there. Our work has spilled out into the community and we now work with Vumilia Village, a group of internally displaced people from the 2007 post-election violence.

On May 8, 2014, a team representing Empower Dreams will leave for Nairobi, Kenya for a week of ministry and meetings. We will be meeting, for the first time, with nine other ministries who share our desire to bring positive change to Kenya. We will discuss our common vision and help each other understand how we want to make a difference in the Rift Valley.