Huge Discipleship leverage with Audio Bibles

Rugged, solar powered, long lasting Audio Bibles have proved highly effective in oral culture discipleship movements and recent partnering with Jeff Buell at 10:24, and Daniel Kinuthia at LuLuThemani, Empower Dreams helped provide more of them to Inkiito in Namanga, Kajiado county.

Over the last 10 years partnering in Kenyan and Tanzanian villages that are culturally driven by oral stories, where everyone gathers to hear one share. Many of them cannot read or write, so orality is the primary means of communicating history and truth. The vast majority of the most unreached and unengaged around the world, cannot read or write either.

These specific audio Bibles are loud enough to fill a small room, so that 30-40 can hear the Good News in each setting. Each unit lasts on average over 7 years, reaching many hundreds of the unreached with the Gospel.

If you are interested to learn how you can help bring the Gospel to oral cultures with proven ministry tools, please reach out to