2023 Year Recap


For the past 12 years, Empower Dreams has completed key projects with our partners across China, Peru, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Zambia, and Vietnam. As we continue to seek God's guidance, we are now focusing on evangelism and discipleship. We believe that this is the best way to make a lasting impact on the lives of the people we serve. In much of our work, we are working with partners in oral cultures that have little to no Gospel content of any kind in their heart languages. Brand new audio and visual Gospel translations are being tackled with your help and our partnership with Faith Comes by Hearing, then loaded onto cutting edge audio/video tools that are changing the game for the Great Commission.

Imagine bringing the gospel to life for people who have never heard it before. That's what the LUMO Project Gospel films are doing. These films use state-of- the-art cinematography to depict the Gospels in a way that is both accurate and engaging. And because they can be easily produced with new languages, they are a powerful tool for sharing the gospel with people all over the world.

If you are passionate about sharing the gospel, we invite you to learn more about the LUMO Project Gospel films and how you can get involved. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of millions of people.

We are trusting that even greater numbers will come alongside Empower Dreams with financial and prayer support, even before upcoming projects are finalized. As always because the Board of Directors cover all the ministry expenses, 100% of your funds go directly to the ministry effort, and we additionally have the ongoing backing of ECFA, the gold standard in Christian accountability, reviewing and confirming our core stewardship principles.




In cooperation with Joseph Wainana of Word of Truth’s Maai Mahiu, Kenya Training center, you helped Empower Dreams fund world class discipleship materials for use throughout Kenya.


The ministry goal in Northern Peru is to train and equip jungle pastors to take the true Gospel message to the Peruvian Amazon and disciple those living among indigenous tribal groups. Audio Bibles and Jesus Film video equipment provided by Empower Dreams is key because Bible story telling has proven very effective in reaching oral people groups. The impact of people hearing the Gospel in their own heart language for the first time is life changing and has now been made available in Kandoshi, Ashuar, Awajun, Shawi and Quechua de Pastaza due to your generous donations. Our ministry partner in Peru is looking to continue to build churches, establish kids and youth camps, and build dorms to lift up the youth and further the spread of Good News. In Southern Peru, please continue to pray for our partner Pastor Santiago Soto’s Ministry in a narco traffic area, and the Lord is using these oral tools, funded by you, to see the Machuguenga people reached and discipled for the first time.


Despite the ongoing conflict in Sudan, the Katchapeople have been able to receive translated Bibles and LUMO project films. Hundreds of audio Bibles were delivered to refugees in South Sudan, andlistening groups have already been started among the Katcha people across refugee camps. This is a remarkable accomplishment, and it is a testament to the power of God's word. Please keep praying for the Lord to guide the next phase of difficult outreach.


Throughout Empower Dream’s full history, we have supported equipping indigenous church leader identification and development.

It has become increasingly necessary to avoid naming the specific Asian locations. Despite local authorities threats and actions that have brought about physical harm, destruction of homes and ending of livlihoods local believers are flourishing and refusing to stop sharing and living the Gospel.

During 2023, the Lord used your giving to help fund pastor development, to produce critically needed discipleship materials to support building leaders to plant and shepherd home churches and home church growth. We were able to attend a gathering of almost 50 native church leaders for renewal and recommittment to the vision of trusting the Lord for a movement for Jesus.

Please know that there is a constant flow of new disciples that are being baptized and developed into powerful leaders. The sustained growth with second and third generation believers is awe-inspiring!


In India, a small trial using audio Bibles was funded, delivered, and started with a new partner among some oral people groups.


In Uganda, hundreds of solar powered audio- Bibles for languages needed in the slums and rural areas of ministry were supplied and with your help we were able to successfully get Projectors and WiFi Hotspots shipped into and received by Wilson’s team in Kampal. This will enable the Ugandan ministry to grow and prosper beyond the already hundreds of home churches. The Lord is doing exceedingly great things. Through a new partner in Romania an initial trial of audio Bibles was started, among some oral people groups.


The Lord is moving in mighty ways using obedient folks in giving of their money (you) and time (us but could be you) and please together let’s trust the Lord that ‘the best is yet to come’.