Highlights - 2019

Dear Friends, We wish you a great Christmas holiday for you and your family. Below are some highlights of what the Lord did this year through your prayers and finances. Please know that any year end giving can be received online till the last day of the year or in the mail by December 30th.

2019 Nutshell & Year end giving

A great deal of Asian church development, Audio Bibles in Africa, Kenyan ministries powerfully cooperating, revenue stream development for Nairobi orphanage’s move towards financial independence, ECFA recertification and a continued focus on excellence in non-profit governance are 2019 highlights.

Fast Growing Discipleship


 High Impact Legacy Giving: Matching Fund for Asian Discipleship making & Home church support.  Donations matched dollar for dollar up to $9,750.  Double your impact.


August 28, 2019 - Empower Dreams has received 2 matching grants dedicated to funding our longest term partner at Empower Dreams in Asia, as they expand their Disciple making movement to a new Asian people group and increase their Bible teaching support to aid the health and growth of their Asian home churches. The funds will provide a new translation to the disciple making curriculum and leadership tools already effectively used by thousands throughout Asia.  If you would like more specific details, please reach out to info@EmpowerDreams.org so we can share more directly on this opportunity to double your giving this year.

New ECFA Certification and Ready to Roll in 2019

We at Empower Dreams are so excited to be entering 2019 ready to go with our little part in furthering the spread of the gospel around the world through the ministries and projects that we support.  We are also humbled to once again have the honor of being ECFA certified and displaying the ECFA emblem on EmpowerDreams.org.  ECFA stands for Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability and their mission is:  Enhancing Trust in Christ-Centered Churches and Ministries. 

Empower Dreams having this certification means that we as a ministry are committed to upholding the ECFA standards and undergo a yearly audit to ensure that we do.  We want you to be able to trust that the dollars you give are handled with integrity and go directly to the ministries and projects we support. 

 This is on our website but it bears repeating here…Why do we serve?  We feel led to give through God because of His love for us. We seek to serve people who have devoted their lives to serving others around the world. We believe that the greatest commandment of all is to Love God and Love His children (Matthew 22:36-39). It is our prayer that the support we provide will allow others to feel loved.


I am proud ...

“I am proud of the work that we do at Empower Dreams. I care for the missionaries and believe in their ministries. I can’t really understand their total sacrifice to carry out the work of the Lord that has called them, so my sacrifices seem to pale in comparison. “ Robyn Howard-Shriver

As we all gather ...

As we all gather with our families for thanksgiving , we will like to share a word from one of our board members.

“ I support Empower Dreams because of the biblical admonition that to whom much is given much is expected (Luke 12:48). To serve others is to serve Jesus as described in Matthew 25:35-40: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to see me ... [Jesus replied] Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Mother Theresa says it better than me though ... "I see Jesus in every human being. I say to myself, this is hungry Jesus, I must feed him. This is sick Jesus. This one has leprosy or gangrene; I must wash him and tend to him. I serve because I love Jesus."
-Keith Cole-

Through the annual...

Through the annual Maai Mahiu Ministry Summits, 1+1 is equalling 3 or 4. "We excel together" is new anthem. Empower Dreams is so thankful to be a founder and facilitator of this event. There is a great deal of local ministry sharing of resources, faith, and encouragement and now a formal committee had been formed to sustain and ratchet up the power of the group.


Asking for your prayers

Asking for your prayers for The Summit in Maai Mahui Kenya as the rain has made it difficult for safe travel. We believe in miracles and God’s power to move , connect and spread among the leaders of this community. Asking for God’s favor on all attendees.

So Excited...

So excited about this Friday's (5/25) start of the Maai Mahiu Ministry Summit hosted by Joseph Gitau Wainaina and Word of Truth. "Where no counsel is, the people fall; but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety" Proverbs 11:14. The Summit is all about the power of a multitude of counsellors and combined faith. 1+1 = 4 or 5. Really looking forward to it!
