Brent and Kris share our focus
Join us in following the Lord with time proven mission partners and approaches in making disciples in oral cultures and fostering Asian discipleship movements
First known Spiritual content in their heart language!
Empower Dreams is 10 Years old and launching a new era. Buckle up :)
Compelling tools for reaching the unreached. Come join us on this fruit filled journey.
Partnering in China and Vietnam
Robyn's Journey from volunteering to the Board
Who is Empower Dreams?
Get Involved
Make Your Life, Time, and Money Count!
Each time you give, we are one step closer to ….
helping a missionary partner with the needed resources for discipling people in Asia, Peru, or Uganda/Sudan in a linguistically and culturally compelling manner
maybe for the first time ever, funding an oral translation(e.g. Katcha) of the Bible for a people group in their heart language
Giving can be set to monthly recurring or a one-time gift.
We praise the Lord for your generosity.
When you give to Empower Dreams 100% of your donation is applied to those projects that grab your heart
What’s in it for you?
You desire an impactful life, you get tons of mail that sound like great causes, but ……… you’re just not sure of how the money is spent or of the results
pays no salaries,
funds it’s own expenses,
develops deep relationships with accountability for the partners it funds